04 June 2012

Comprehension TherAppy Review and Giveaway!!!

Did you know that June is Aphasia Awareness Month?!?!  To celebrate - I was fortunate enough to be provided with a code to review and one to giveaway for the Comprehension TherAppy app!   To learn more about Aphasia feel free to visit the National Aphasia Organization’s website http://www.aphasia.org/. 

As you are aware, I do not work with adults, only school-aged students.  So how can this app benefit this population?  Well if you go to settings, you can put the app in child friendly mode (this gets rid of vocabulary not suitable for students). 

There are 3 ways you can use this app (and various goals to address for each).
Listen only- a vocabulary word is expressed and your student must select the picture that is being described.  You can preselect the vocabulary or category (nouns, verbs, adjectives).  You can use this to review the parts of speech and categorization as well.  Once you student selects the picture to describe an adjective “what is ____?”  “The ___ is ____.”  To expand utterances and to learn how adjectives describe nouns.

Read only – a word presented to read and the student must pick the picture that is being read.  This is great for beginner readers.  What sound does it start with?  Which pictures start with that sound?  How many sounds are in the word?  How many syllables?  Is it a compound word?  You can review vocabulary the same way: what category does it belong in, what does it look like, what part of speech is it, etc.

Listen & Read- the word is heard and the student must select the word by reading.  This is great for auditory bombardment of sounds, building vocabulary, and reading skills.

For all sections, you can select vocabulary and categories or allow it to run randomly.   You can select how many trials will be presented, difficulty level, and can have results emailed to you.  The students have the option to have the words repeated if necessary.  When a response is incorrect, the students have an opportunity to try again.  This is great for teachable moments.

Now it is your chance to win this app and try it out with your students/clients.   Remember this app is great if you work with adults and children.  Just switch the setting and you are set!  Great for working on receptive language skills at the word level!  Build vocabulary and reading skills!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Not sure if these apps are appropriate for your students??  You can now download the language therapy lite app!!  It gives you a sample of all of their language apps: Comprehension TherAppy, Naming TherAppy, Reading TherAppy and Writing TherAppy!! 

Get more information about this app o their website http://www.tactustherapy.com/comprehension.html.


  1. Nice review! Are some of the pictures inappropriate for our kiddos? I see the vocab changes. But it looks like there is a picture of a beer for 'empty'. Don't want to put myself in a sticky situation!

  2. There is a "child friendly" mode. You can also go through the vocabulary ahead of time to see what they will be presented with and you can "unclick" any pictures that may put you in a sticky situation!! That beer picture was while I was playing with the app on my couch! No kids saw that one!

  3. I was just looking at this today! I would use it in my work with elementary children.

  4. I just loaded the lite version to take a look at

  5. Hi, I would use this app with my adult and pediatric neuro-rehab patients.

  6. I downloaded the lite version Friday night. I like that it gives you the chance to see what all of the tactus therapy apps can do.

  7. Hi! I would like to use this app with some of my older speech students for vocabulary, categorization, and reading skills. I can also use it with adult clients in an SNF setting. I love the Tactus apps!

  8. Yes, I have tried the lite version which gives the user a way to explore the Tactus apps. I like the lite version so that we can see what will best meet our needs. Thank you!

  9. I would love to try this app for my two boys with autism. thanks for the chance!

  10. I would use this app with my son .

  11. I have not downloaded the lite app of this, but I have there name therappy app and it has worked well doing trials with my son.
