14 June 2012

Tell A Story with Tommy:School Sequences App and Sequencing Cards Giveaway!

Have you heard of the Tell A Story with Tommy:School Sequences app from Listen.Talk.Draw.? 

They were generous enough to provide a code and offer to send the winner the sequencing cards that are worth $49.95!!  YES YOU READ CORRECTLY!! 

You can use this app to work on sequencing and social/life skills.  Teach functional sequencing using technology and manipulatives!  Want to learn more about the app?  Visit here!

Want to learn more about the sequencing cards?  Visit here!

The developer also has a sign up on her website for Friday Freebies.  Definitely worth checking it out!  Check out their website to also learn about the sequences in community and consequences app!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I would use these cards every week with my caseload.

  2. I would use these in therapy with K-4 students, to work on narrative, sequencing, and language expression.

  3. Wowza, I would LOVE to use these cards and the app in speech therapy at school to work on sequencing, social skills, and language development! I have kids who could really benefit from this program!!! Thank you for the great write up and giveaway! WOW, what a generous offer from the developer!!!!!!!

  4. I did my professional development project this year on story sequencing and comprehension! I'd love to use this with those kids!

  5. I already use the Tell a Tale with Tommy Community Sequences with my students and would love to try another app since it is wonderful! All my students could benefit from using the sequence cards as added practice and carryover!!! Great Giveaway!!

  6. I would love to use these with my therapy kids who have difficulty with sequencing, story comprehension, and story retelling.

  7. I would use these with my caseload at school and in the clinic.

  8. So excited to find this blog! I love sequencing cards as they can be used SO many ways! Hmmm...I would use them to target telling stories using "first" "next" and "last".

  9. I have a lot of students who are working on sequencing goals. This would be super motivating for them!

  10. Lots of my little guys are working on the skill of sequencing! Great giveaway!

  11. Story retell is one of my favorite therapeutic activities. It is so great for expanding language concepts, auditory memory, sequencing, and working alongside academic content standards. Any way that we can use technology to help our language impaired kiddos have fun while they are building skills is great! I would LOVE to try this App!!

  12. I would use these with a variety of students on my caseload in the public schools. Story retell and sequencing work on many more skills so sequencing cards are very valuable!

  13. I would use them with the students on my caseload
