18 October 2012

RTI Pre-Referral Speech/Language Materials

My RTI Strategies packs have been so popular, I decided to create a pre-referral pack to assist SLPs to gather information prior to working with students and giving strategies to teachers.

What is in this file?

Pre-Referral Speech and Language Checklist
This document can be provided to teachers before you go into a classroom to observe or screen students.  This can give you an idea of the level of functioning of the student.  It also helps teacher focus in on the speech and language skills.
All teachers have to do is check off skills they have observed.  It also may benefit to send this form home and see what parents have to say.  Can send same form home after time to see if parents note changes.

RTI Data Collection
This form can be presented to teachers to help instruct them on collecting RTI data for speech & language strategies.  I find in my district, many teachers are not well trained and want a way that is easiest as possible.  This form helps them focus on the one behavior that needs to be address and establish a strategy to utilize and document.
Request for Speech & Language RTI Classroom Strategies
When I presented my Strategies based on Common Core Standards at my RTI meetings, I found I did not have enough with me to provide to all teachers.  I created a form for teachers to complete at those meetings or get from my office if necessary to request more strategies, new strategies, or information.  It helped me stay organized and on top of who needs what!
Speech-Language Screening Consent Form
This letter I created to send home to gather parent permission.  It is important with RTI to keep parents informed and aware of what steps are being completed in school to assist their child.  I modified my form to be as generic as possible for you to use to easy fill in and photocopy when necessary.  It has a slip on the bottom for parents to complete and send back. 
This packet is available at my TpT Store!  I hope you find it useful and a huge time-saver!

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