11 December 2012

Multiple Choice Articulation App!

I was recently contacted by the developer, Erik X. Raj, about his new app, Multiple Choice Articulation.  He was generous to provide me with the opportunity to review it for all of you!

This app is easy to use to elicit imitations or independent productions of target speech sounds.  As soon as you open the app, you are brought to the page shown above.  The only sounds currently addressed by this app are those: /s, z, r, l, sh, ch, and th/. 

When you pick a sound, you are then able to select the placement of the sound as seen below:
 Students are presented with a visual of a question with choices.  The words with their target sounds are highlighted.  For students that cannot read or benefit from auditory bombardment, they or you can click "hear the question".  Students can also benefit from hearing the answer by clicking "the answer."  Once students practice verbalizing their target sounds with their responses, you can click next to move onto a new question.

Things I like about this app:

  • Addresses questioning and functional use of target sounds
  • Auditory bombardment
  • Opportunities for a great deal of drilling/practice
Changes I would like to see in updates:
  • More sounds to be added
  • Opportunity for marking students correct/incorrect
  • Data collection/progress monitoring over time
  • Ability to record and play back student responses
  • Graphics for motivation/reinforcement
  • Price reduction.  Without the above features I believe $9.99 it is a bit pricey.


  1. Looks interesting. Always up for ways to change up artic therapy! Thanks for the opportunity.

  2. Ooh! I need these for my artic students! I like how it uses conversational/personal thinking skills along with humor.
