04 February 2013

Fam Bam: Got To Have Music App Review & GIVEAWAY!

I was contacted by the developers, See Here Studios about their newest storybook app, Fam Bam: Got To Have Music.  The app introduces children to various genres of music through a humorous story about a musical family. 

This app can be used to target a variety of speech and language goals:

  • Problem solving
  • Compare/contrast
  • Sequencing
  • Answering Questions
  • Predicting
  • Social Skills
  • And so much more!
The story is interactive and engaging with the fun music.  The "arrows" allow you to designate the pace perfect for your students/children.
Basic concepts, vocabulary and places are used throughout the story to help promote vocabulary development.
Conversation topics that can be discussed after reading:
  • Which type of music is your favorite?
  • Do you agree with the family's decision to solve the problem?
  • How would you feel if you were ___?
  • And more!
The developers even have published a collection of lesson plan ideas for utilizing the app to encourage further exploration of music, in both home and classroom settings.  You can learn more and access that by clicking HERE!

In honor of African American History Month, from February 1-28, the developers will be placing the app on sale for just $1.99!  They also provided me with three codes to giveaway!!  Enter to win below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Problem solving, problem solving, problem solving! I feel like this is something I am always working on with students.
