26 March 2013

Apraxia Ville!!! ((app review & giveaway!))

Smarty Ears has done it again!  They created Apraxia Ville, an app perfect for those working with students with Apraxia and/or articulation errors! This app is easy to navigate and use with a group of up to 4 students!  It uses a fun farmer theme which is motivating for young students!

You can input student profiles (through app or through Therapy Report Center) which allows for collection of data and individualization of activities.

There are three levels of activities included in this app:

  • The Sound Windows (sound production).  In this activity.  Students practice CV production with a multi-sensory approach.  They can see, move, touch, listen and even video record their productions!  This is great for those needed to see their articulators and monitor movements!

  • The Farm House (single word production).  This is great for moving practice to either VC, CV, or CVC productions.  At any time, you can click the sound windows to bring students right back to the sound production level if they need to "refresh." In this activity, students can listen, record, and replay own productions to monitor.  You can collect data in this task.

  • The Words Farm (multiple word production).  This allows your students to produce 2 or 3 words in a sequence.  You can  have them say the same word or sound.  You can also have them do a sequence of 2 minimal pair sounds.  Students can again, listen, record, and replay own productions.  Data is collected by you or your students rating the productions.

At any time, you can click done.  You are then brought to the reports page (this page is also accessible from the main page).  As you can see, you can also get homework pages from here! This is great for carryover and to show  parents what you are working on.  You can email the homework pages from the app.  You can also access data reports from this page.

Things I like about this app:

  • Easy to use
  • Cute and motivating farm theme
  • Address sound, word, and multi-word level
  • Multi-sensory approach
  • Homework pages ready to go
  • Connects with Therapy Report Center
  • Multi-user
  • Can use "quick play" if you do not have time to set it up.
  • Targets CV, VC, and CVC levels
  • Ability to quickly jump  back to sound windows page if needed
If you want to learn more about this $21.99 app, visit iTunes!  Smarty Ears was generous to provide me with an extra code to raffle off to one of you!  Enter to win below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I like that you can get homework pages!!!

  2. I love the sound windows! But I actually love it all! :-)

  3. I love that there is a homework component! Sounds like a great app!

  4. I like the homework of course LOL

  5. I love that it has homework pages and it keeps data! This would be great to win.

  6. I love that multiple users can use it, I like that it is connected to therapy report, and homework pages can be printed! wOW!

  7. Looks like a fun way to help my Pre-k kids practice!

  8. Everyone seems to say the Homework and I would agree! I also love that you can practice more than one word on a page!

  9. Being able to print homework pages is a great feature!

  10. My favorite feature is that multiple users can play!

  11. I like the homework pages too:). I also like how you can use it for a group and take data.

  12. Looks interesting even with the $20+ price attached. Always need new and better ways to keep these more severe children interested.

  13. Looks great, even at the $20+ price

  14. Homework pages & minimal pairs are great features!! I'm an early childhood SLP & I know I could use this with a bunch of my little ones! Not badly priced at just over $20, either!

  15. I love this concept! Homework pages, great pictures to hold attention and a feature for multiple users! beachc4@gmail.com

  16. Thanks for sharing this! I like that the app gives kids the chance to record and replay their own productions of target sounds and words - this is a great way to provide feedback and help them monitor their own performance.

  17. i love that this app has somany components such as homework pages.

  18. Looks like a great app for my kiddos with CAS!

  19. Love the homework pages, along with everyone else!

    Oh, How Pintearesting!

  20. I love the idea of homework pages and my students always love to hear recordings of themselves.

  21. My favorite thing would have to be the printable homework sheets.

  22. I love the farm theme,plus the homework pages!

  23. I love the homework option! This really makes it a unique App.

  24. I like that they can video their productions within the app. Can these also be saved and reviewed later for comparison?

  25. I love the homework pages and the TRC link.

  26. I love the homework pages and that multiple users can play. Another app on my wish list!

  27. I like that it works with multiple users. :)

  28. I like that you can use it with multiple kids at the same time. Almost all of my therapy sessions are groups.

  29. I havent used it, but the fact that there is homework sheets sounds amazing!

  30. I really like the multisensory approach and the homework feature!!!

  31. I like how this is leveled for individuals with apraxia and the video record function. Great feedback for my students!

  32. Being able to set up for multiple users and that it integrates a multisensory approach for the kids.

  33. Love the homework and the multiple user.

  34. As everyone else has said, I like the printable homework, but I also like the video recording function for feedback.

  35. Having the homework ready to go would be awesome!

  36. The homework pages would be great, as well as the quick start feature. I would love this ap!

  37. The farm theme will be super motivating for thr little.ones!

  38. Keeping my fingers crossed to win this one!!! :) Michelle

  39. I love the app! I like that there is a quick play option.

  40. I have been looking for something this great for my 8 year old! Hoping I win!

  41. This looks great! I like the hw pages!

  42. I love that they can record themselves - little ones always love to see/hear themselves. --Cassandra

  43. This app looks great! Thanks for the informative review! I like that it addresses vowels and is linked to TRC - with multiple users! c_bisgard@yahoo.com

  44. This app is at the top of my wish list! I have some kids who really need this!! Super!

  45. I like the ability to target sequencing short words.

  46. I like how there are different levels so that you can have students working on words or sequences of words. I also love the homework

  47. I like that it is multi-level. I have students who really need transfer/generalization.
