04 May 2013

Syllable Splash! App Review & Giveaway!

Do you have students working on pre-literacy skills, phonological awareness, or producing multisyllabic words?!  This app is for you!!  I was recently contacted by Smarty Ears about checking out their brand new app, Syllable Splash.  This app is adorable!  Keep reading to learn more about it!

This app uses a fun water theme.  The graphics are great and colorful which will keep students motivated!  You can play the "quick play" version if you want to quickly drill without saving student data or you can select players to collect data and monitor progress.

You can easily add students and even add a photo or pick an avatar.  I had fun picking the avatars!  You can play with up to 4 students at a time.

Here you can see the settings you can alter for the needs of your students:

Once you are ready just click play!  Students are presented with a picture and a verbal presentation of the word.  They must select the amount of syllables heard in order to get credit.  Do your students hear the different parts?!

You can have them replay the word if necessary which is great.  You can have them repeat the words for production practice of multisyllabic sounds. 

If they select the incorrect number, a cute shark comes to take that answer away! Ha!  I love it!

Whenever you are ready to finish, just click to end the game.  You are brought to a report cards page to view each player's results.

You can always access these score reports from the main page.  This app connects with the Therapy Report Center app!  This app is only $5.99 which is great!

Things I like about this app:

  • Easy to use and set up
  • Multi-players
  • Cute graphics and animations
  • Mix of real images and graphics (Smarty Symbols) used as stimuli
  • Collects data and connects with Therapy Report Center
Are you loving this app yet?!  Now it is your turn to win this app!  Enter below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I need more apps for multisyllable words!!

  2. How exciting. I LOVE Smarty Ears apps. :)

  3. I would love this for multisylllabic words!

  4. I love everything about this app. I have not seen an app the addresses multisyllabic words.

  5. I love that it has a multi player mode and takes data!!

  6. The best feature would be that it seems easy to use! Another great app by Smarty Ears!

  7. I love that this app has cool graphics and that it can be used with multiple players!

  8. I love that this app has such cool graphics and can be used with multiple players!

  9. i love the data collection and theme of the app

  10. I don't have any apps that target syllables. I like that there is data collection.

  11. My favorite feature is the data collection. Valerie

  12. I love the data collection and that it can be used with multiple players!

  13. My favorite feature would be that it can be used with multiple players. I rarely have just one student at a time.

  14. Just what I've been looking for!
