17 July 2013

Calendar Companion Pack! ((AND GIVEAWAY!!))

Many classroom teachers do "morning meetings" where they go over the calendar, weather, and other routines.  I like to bring calendars into my therapy room to target a variety of skills WHILE reviewing the calendar vocabulary. In the past, I have often found blank calendars on the internet.  I decided, why not create pages perfect for my needs!  I put all of the goals and activities I like to use in one spot just for you!!

In this companion pack:
Blank calendar pages are provided which can be adapted for each year by just writing in the numbers.  You can write in the numbers ahead of time and laminate the pages or leave them blank and have students fill them in as a following directions activity.

Color & Black/White versions are provided.

Activities to target a variety of skills using calendar pages provided or with any wall/desk calendar:
-Following directions:  Students will practice concepts while following multi-step directions (first, second, third, before, after, between, etc.).  Can be used with any month!
Students can input holidays, birthday, and other events such as field trips.  This can elicit conversation, work on following directions, build vocabulary, and answering questions.  A list of holidays/events per month is included (may vary based on year/geographic location).

-Answering questions: For each month, question cards are provided.  **16 question cards per month are provided!

-Compare/contrast:  use the Venn diagram provided to compare the different months of the year.  I even provided a visual with prompts to help students complete this task!

-Resources are provided for your assistance while using this activity pack!

-Articulation word list by sound related to calendar theme

-Say & Color:  Students can color a calendar after they practice producing their articulation targets!

-Verb Practice:  Use the various verb pictures to have students glue onto the calendar pages for the month.  They can practice  using the various verb tenses using the sentence strips provided!

-Write A Grammar Story: Students should use their verbs and noun tenses to write a story about their month.  You can give each student a different month to write about and have the group guess who wrote each one!

I think you will find this one companion pack can be used with a variety of students with a variety of goals of all ages!  You can easily adapt it to your needs!  You can access this companion pack in my TpT store by clicking HERE!

Now you can win a copy for yourself!! YAY!!  Enter to win below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I would like working on following diirections with this packet.

  2. I love the following directions section - such practical skills to teach our kids! Thanks!

  3. I have done the same thing...printing calendars from the Internet. Thanks for organizing all of this!,

  4. I have so many kids who struggle with orientation to time (month, season, day, etc). This looks awesome!

  5. I also like the writing goals and vocabulary practice!

  6. Great idea! I have so many kids who struggle with time concepts and vocabulary.

  7. I live the Write a Grammar story...what a great idea!

  8. Thanks for sharing such a great activity! I would use it for time concepts.

  9. Everything! This would be wonderful for my language groups!! Thank you!

  10. What a great packet! A lot of my students have a hard time with day of the week and month concepts!

  11. Concepts & following directions.

  12. Time concepts and following directions.

  13. I like the following directions goals. Thank you for putting this together!

  14. I really like the following directions activity and the grammar story!

  15. WRite a grammar story! The middle school English teacher has students writing vocabulary sentences using a similar format- this will be a great way to introduce good sentence structure to elementary students that they can build upon in middle school

  16. Love it! I think following directions is my favorite!

  17. I like the idea to work on grammar and calendar skills. Looks great!!

  18. I like the idea of working on grammar and calendar skills. Looks great!!!

  19. I'm most excited to work on the verb practice and comparing the months. I love the oodles of language opportunities with this packet!

  20. I like the comprehensive inclusion of all speech/language goals.

  21. I like Following directions!!

  22. Writing and following directions. This looks like a wonderful packet!

  23. Oh wow, given the calendar aspect, I'm particularly excited about using this with some of my upper elementary kids to work on temporal concepts. Thanks!

  24. What a great idea! I especially like the grammar & temporal goals that are addressed.

  25. I love the questions about the months & the compare/contrast section. This is a great resource that can be used with adults as well. (I'll leave the coloring part out for the adults though. lol) Thank you for your creativity & hard work. :)

  26. I usually incorporate calendar to address concepts and following directions but I love your idea to include compare/contrast. Great idea!
