14 September 2013

Fun With "R" (app review)

I was recently contacted by the developers, Virtual Speech Center, regarding their newest app, Fun With "R"!  /R/ is the trickiest and most common articulation target sound.  Now there is an app just for working on it!  They were generous to provide me with a copy to try out for all of you.  Just remember, the thoughts and opinions are all mine!

If you have any Virtual Speech Center apps, or have seen my other reviews of their apps, this app follows the same format as the others.  

Here is a view of the settings you can alter from the main page:

You can work with multiple students and add their names.  It saves what target you worked on last which makes it easy to remember.
Once you "add students" and click their names to select them, you can decide on the three activities, "flashcards" "memory game" and "bingo game."  Then hit "next."  You can then select your targets for each student!
As you can see, you can "edit words."  This way you can remove words that are already mastered or just want to work on a select few.
This activity is exactly like it sounds.  It shows the student(s) an image and they must say it, they can record it, replay it and then score themselves or you can score it for them.  You can select the following levels (and change them at any time): word, phrase, sentence, initial, medial, and final.  Once you are done with the image, just "swipe" your finger to move it to the next image.

 Had enough practice with that one student?  Just go to the arrow next to the student's name to switch users.

 Did you select multiple targets?  Want to switch?  Just touch the arrow next to the target on the top and then you can easily switch!
Memory Game
This activity is also like it sounds.  Students must locate matches and remember where the images are in a grid.  After touching each "card," the student must express it using their target sound.  Again, they can record it, replay it, and rate it!  So many opportunities to practice /r/ in a fun and motivating way!

Just like the previous activity, you can easily switch users and targets by touching the arrows on the top!

Students are given a BINGO board with images incorporating their target sound.  They are given an image on the side to "match."  Don't have it?  Hit next!  Once they have the match, they can practice saying it as they select it!
Again, can easily switch users and targets at any time!  You can also switch to word, phrase, or sentence level at any time too.

Whenever you feel students are ready, or you run out of time, you can hit "finish."  At this time, you are shown a score report:
You can always access these reports from the main page.  LOVE being able to progress monitor and plan future lessons based on progress!
Want to learn more about this $19.99 app?  Visit their WEBSITE or ITUNES!

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