01 November 2013

Carryover S.O.S. LINKY!

It can be a struggle to figure out the best way to work on carryover in a pull-out speech session.  I work in a HUGE building with groups coming from various teachers that are working on various skills at different times.  Below are some suggestions and ways I try to tackle this difficult task!  Thanks Jenn from Crazy Speech World for hosting this linky party!!
How To Find Out What The Students Are Working On In Their Classrooms:

  • Ask the students!!  I always ask them what they are working on!  In the past, I would ask teachers to fill me in, give me copies of vocabulary worksheets, etc. and they would forget.  I have found over the years that the best way to find out what they are working on is by asking!
  • Walk around!!!  Many teachers hang up children's work outside the classrooms or on bulletin boards in their classrooms.  You can easily see what they are working on just by looking around!
Don't Want To Target Classroom Skills Directly?
At the end of a speech session, show your students how the skills worked on can correlate into the classroom.  Some examples:
  • Working on synonyms?  At the end of a session, see if students can come up with synonyms for their science or social studies vocabulary (ancient, explore, microscopic, discover).
  • Working on following complex directions?  Have your students come up with their own examples of directions their teachers may say in the classroom!
  • Working on irregular past tense verbs?  Have your students use their science or social studies verbs in the past tense to tell/write sentences.
  • Working on answering higher level questions such as predicting, drawing conclusions, compare/contrast?  End the sessions with a question using the curriculum vocabulary/concepts.
Other Ways To Directly Work On Carryover:
  • Use graphic organizers to work on classroom curriculum vocabulary.  Have students write definitions, sentences, synonyms, antonyms, and/or draw images to help practice the vocabulary and work on their speech and language goals.
  • Use curriculum-based reading passages to work on answering questions, context clues, writing/telling summaries, recalling details, compare/contrast, sequences, and more.  I often find curriculum-based passages from EdHelper.com.  Another great website is K12Reader.  Their reading passages are curriculum-based!
  • Does your state have tests at the end of each year?  Do they have a website where you can access sample test questions?  Use these to work on skills learned in your speech room and show them how to use it for these tests.
  • Are the teachers reading books in their classrooms?  You can read the same books again in your speech rooms.  This will provide repetition and you can work on speech and language goals while reviewing the comprehension and vocabulary from that story read in class.
Some Activities That Can Be Used To Work On Carryover:

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  1. I like that you talked about carryover for language skills. I think that's something we just assume is going to happen.

  2. I love your ideas for using curriculum based interventions to promote carryover! Thank you so much for linking up!
