31 January 2014

Cause & Effect DIY Idea!!

We have been having so much fun working on cause & effect in my therapy room!!  We have been playing games involving expressing causes if given effects and listening to passages and answering questions using cause/effect.  I have been wanting to do flip books for a while with my students.  I decided cause/effect is a great opportunity to do so!!!  Check out my example to show my students on what they were to make themselves!
How to make this?! Easy and a great way to also work on following directions!!  Fold a piece of paper in half.  Then cut the top piece down the middle!  Label 1 side "cause" and the other side "effect."  I illustrated the cause and effect on the top pieces.  Once you lift up each flap, I wrote the sentence based on the illustration.

After I showed my students mine, I gave each of them a cause written on a piece of paper.  Some examples included:

  • My pencil broke.
  • There was a snowstorm.
  • I forgot my lunch money.
  • I left my bird's cage open.
  • I was up late playing video games.
My students had to think of their effects, write both the cause and effect inside of the flip book and then illustrate both on the front.  They students got to share their responses and pictures.  We had so much fun!!

Want to see what else we have been doing in speech to work on cause and effect?!

We have been using Busy Bee Speech's Cause & Effect Carnival!
 We also used my cause & effect graphic organizers from my Winter Graphic Organizers for SLP pack!
How do you work on cause & effect?  Have you made flip books?!  How did you use them in your therapy rooms?!

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