20 January 2014

Speech Time Fun's 2nd Birthday Fun!! (giveaways, freebies, and more!)

Wow!  I cannot believe this little "project" I started to help document my fun ideas for work has continued and grown to THIS!!  I would have never expected the support and love.  When I started this project, I didn't think anyone would even check it out let alone view it OFTEN!  With the growth of Speech Time Fun, I have grown as an SLP too.  I am learning so many new ideas, tricks, and resources -- from researching for you as well as what  you have shared with me!!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to check out my blog, TpT store, Facebook page, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.!!  I love what I do and I love even more sharing my love with all of you!
 Since it is my 2nd birthday, we will have lots of fun over the next 2 days!  Follow my facebook page to stay tuned with all I have to offer!!  There may be some giveaways/contests going on over there! (HINT HINT!)

Should we start with a freebie?!  How about one for Valentine's Day!?

Each card has two items mentioned.  Students must pick a card and express how they are the same and different.  

Use these cards with any motivating game/activity.

A visual is provided to encourage expanded utterances and to assist with understanding target.  Students can prompt themselves using this visual.

Review worksheet is included.

You can access this FREEBIE in my TpT store by clicking HERE!

How about a giveaway!?!?! One lucky winner will get to select TWO products from my TpT store!!!! Yes...you read correctly!!  TWO!!!  YOUR CHOICE!!! Enter to win below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Last but not least, I will be holding a SALE on my TpT store TOMORROW ONLY (my actual blog birthday!)

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday


  1. Thank you so much for all you do for your fellow "speechies". Your products have helped me so much over the last 2 years! I love your creativity and willingness to share!

  2. I agree! I love the freebies and the product reviews!

  3. I love your ideas and the freebies!

  4. You are amazing at what you do! I can't even believe how many products you pop out! Congrats on 2 years!

  5. Of course I like the product reviews and have several of your activities, but I really enjoy reading about DIY projects and how you use dollar finds. I also like how you have tabs to organize your posts.

  6. I love all of the great ideas that you share....so pretty much all of it! I like how it stays focused on SLP related topics too.

  7. Congrats on two years of blogging; that's dedication!

  8. My favorite part of your blog is all the therapy ideas I get.

  9. Your blog is very easy to navigate. I love the way you have everything organized with your tabs! Very easy to go back and locate the posts with great ideas and information. Happy Birthday

  10. Congrats! I simply love the chance to connect with another SLP. Thank you for sharing advice, resources and talent.

  11. You have so many great ideas! I just went to Target to find those cute mailboxes you wrote about the other day! Congratulations on 2 years!

  12. I love your product reviews...always so helpful when considering something new to use in therapy!

  13. I like reading the new entries, and I like that it is easy to find other entries using the tabs, so organized.

  14. I love your file folder activities!

  15. I love the ideas and activities that you are willing to share.

  16. I love the freebies! But I also love your ideas!

  17. I love how you share all your great ideas to use in therapy. Congrats!!

  18. My favorite part of your blog is the freebies, of course!

  19. I love your app reviews. I use my iPad daily and I'm always looking for new ideas. Thank you for sharing all you do!

  20. My favorite part of your blog is the freebies! ;) I'm also interested in seeing more app reviews as I finally have an iPad.
