24 February 2014

What's In My Cart!? (Linky Party)

Have you heard? TpT is holding a HUGE sale on 2/27 & 2/28!!  They are celebrating the Three Million Teachers Strong!  TpT has grown HUGE this past year, especially with the rise of SLP sellers!  I have been busy preparing my wishlist so it is ready to go for the big sale!  Are you looking for ideas!?  Check out what is currently in my "wishlist" and soon to be "cart".  

Jenna over at Speech Room News is hosting a linky party so you can easily link over to her blog and see all of  your favorite SLP bloggers that have linked up and what we plan on purchasing!  I know when Jenna did this linky party back in November, it gave me SO many great ideas and I added several of them into my cart before the sale!  It is so interesting to learn what others have found that I might have missed since there's just SO much out there that is amazing!!

Practicing Cause and Effect Relationships with Nonfiction Texts

This pack is filled with nonfiction texts and graphic organizers that is common core aligned.  It will be great for teaching my students how to recognize causes and effects in texts and express it while answering questions!
I have several students on my caseload that have word finding difficulties.  I think this pack will be great for them!!
I have several pragmatic, articulation, and fluency goals on my caseload.  This pack will be great for working with all of them!  I love functional role playing activities!!
I love that this pack is differentiated.  It has cards with pictures, sentences, and passages!  This will help me work with a variety of levels on the same goal!!
I also have TONS of clip art in my cart but that is a secret!  You will have to wait and see my future projects to see what I got!!  I hope my wishlist has helped you plan yours!  Happy shopping!!  You can view my TpT store by clicking HERE!  Don't miss out on this HUGE sale and HUGE savings!  I am participating!!
Don't forget about some new products that can be found in my TpT store!