01 March 2014

Love It & List It: Fluency Favorites! (Linky Party)

It is that time again, time for Jenna over at Speech Room News to host her Love It & List It monthly linky party!  This month, the theme is fluency favorites!!
I have several favorites to share with you!  Some I have posted about in the past!  I purchased a book from Stutteringhelp.org website.  This book, Wendi's Magical Voice is a great book to read with your student(s).
It tells the story about a witch named Wendi that stutters.  It is great to read out loud because the character stutters throughout the story.  It forces you and your student to make themselves fake stutter (which is a strategy!  teaches students that they can have control over it).  This story can elicit so many conversations about emotions and situations.

Which products do I have available to work on fluency?
or you can get all of these in one money saving BUNDLE!

When working on fluency, the counseling piece IS SO IMPORTANT!! It is important for students to learn to rate their emotions, fears, and own speech in various scenarios and situations.  How do they feel before the disfluency? During?  After?  Make charts with them and have them rate their fears and feelings.  Which part was worse for them?  The anticipation?  The actual getting stuck?  Or afterwards wondering what their communication partner thinks?  By understanding where and when they are feeling most fears and anticipations about their speech the easier it will be for you to plan sessions to work on it!  

It is also important that your students/clients are motivated to work on it.  If they aren't interested, you cannot force them!!  You may need to counsel the parents/teachers about this!  It is sometimes harder for caregivers/educators to cope than anything. 

Work with older students that stutter?  Check out this website called Stuttering is Cool.  This website has podcasts about stuttering with confidence.  It also has open-mic podcasts where you can call and leave a voicemail using a widget on the website or you can record and email a sound file.  This allows students to participate in conversations on the site!  I recommend browsing this site and sharing it with your older students.  You will be SO glad you did!  It is a great way for your students to realize they aren't alone, there are others out there that stutter and feel the same way about their speech as they do!

I hope my favorites have helped you out!!  Maybe you can add them to your therapy sessions?!!?  Check out what your other favorite SLP bloggers love to use by going to visit Speech News Room's site and check out who linked up!


  1. Thanks so much for the shout out for the "Stuttering is Cool Website". I have a student who will benefit from this website, and I had never heard of it before !!. We having been addressing fears with asking someone to the prom, so one of the most recent podcasts is very appropriate. Many thanks, Kristen

  2. Thank you for shouting out my podcast! I enjoy producing "Stuttering is Cool" and offering tips in the every day fears that we go through. Just a heads up that I've recently produced an illustrative self-help book with the same name. Details on my site :)
