07 April 2014

Take the TpT Plunge! (Linky Party)

The Dabbling Speechie is hosting a new linky party!  Since TpT is still relatively "new" to the SLP world, many are hesitant to invest.  TpT has changed my world professionally.  Yes, obviously because of my personal store and benefits from it, but the style of materials I use with my students has changed and improved!  My lessons are more complete, differentiated, and motivating!  My students love the graphics, the visuals, and the new learning games!  For this linky party, I'm going to share with you some of my FAV TpT items (not from my own store!)
What purchases have I made, LOVE, and use ALL THE TIME?!!  Want the most bank for your buck?!

Articulation for Reading and Conversation Speech Therapy Intervention

This pack is great for those working with older students that have articulation goals.  Are you struggling to figure out how to target the conversational level?  How about carryover and during academic tasks?!  This packet is for you!!  Worth every penny!

The buckeye Speech Path created this HUGE pack, filled with dice activities.  If you know my store, you know I LOVE dice activities.  I also love things that I can easily print and use!!  Perfect for those last minute lessons, or if your laminating machine is broken (the one in my school is ALWAYS broken!  Yes, I have my own personal one at home, but it doesn't help me if I'm at work!).

Do you like these materials I've shared?!  Wondering what I have that is similar?!  Check out the activities listed below!  I have many activity sets that can be used for the entire year and are print and go!!

Cut, Sort & Glue! Activities for the ENTIRE year!

Have you taken the TpT plungle?!  What have you purchased and loved?!  If you have not, what is holding you back?!  I would love to hear from you!!

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