09 June 2014

EET Carryover Ideas!!

Have you joined in the EET party?!  No...it is not a real party!  But it is just that much fun to use in speech therapy!  CLICK HERE to learn more about the Expanding Expression Tool!  I have been working hard all year with my students to expand their abilities to describe common objects, compare/contrast, and even describe/compare using non-fiction texts.  Now, it is time to come up with ways for them to carryover the skill into the classroom!
I created these fun EET rings with my students.  I cut index cards in half, put each EET bead on a card, hole punched, and put them on binder rings.  Now my students can easily bring these with them back to the classroom (since I do not have enough student EET strands!  I only purchased 5 for the max amount of students I would have in my therapy room).  

Before I allowed my students to bring them to their classrooms, we practiced using them in academic tasks!  
  • Academic vocabulary:  I pulled vocabulary words from their science and social studies curriculum.  I also pulled words from novels they are reading in their ELA classes.  We practiced defining these words and concepts using the EET rings!  Vocabulary examples:  biomes, solar system, government, and Greek mythology.  I showed them how they can use the EET to study, complete study guides/worksheets that require expanded written responses, and identify which words are being described to select the answers!
  • Listening/reading for keywords:  We practiced reading/listening to texts and listening for the EET concepts.  I gave the students a graphic organizer to complete but they had to flip to the EET "bead" on their rings when we got to a concept in the text that would answer that "question."  This helped them focus their listening/reading to the important facts!  We then practiced retelling the texts using the EET rings to make sure they expressed each important fact!
My students loved creating these rings and practicing them.  A few of them have already told me that they are using them in the classroom or with homework!  I have also held workshops in my school to educate the teachers on what these rings are and how they can help their students.  This way no teachers are confused and try to take them away thinking the students are being distracted!

How do you work on carryover?!  Have you missed some of my other blog posts on how I use EET?  Check them out below!

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