29 August 2014

Dear Parents, from your child's SLP!

Dear Parents,

  • We have your child's best interests at heart:
Whether we are discharging your child or recommending (more) services, we are doing this because we care.  If we discharge your child, it is because they no longer need our services, that is a good thing!  They made progress and we feel confident that they can continue to progress without us!  We are also bound by the state, district, building, etc. to discharge when students progress to a certain criteria.  We would love to work with your child forever!  If we recommend services, that is not a bad thing.  This doesn't mean that your child will need speech forever.  We are here to help them learn and grow!

  • Homework isn't a punishment to you
We know you have busy lives.  We know you worked a long day and that children have after school activities.  Homework is home practice.  We can only help your child so much in the short time we work with them a week.  We need your help to continue to work with them when we are not there.  Homework is also a great opportunity for you to see what we are working on and the strategies we are using.

  • Don't take matters into your own hands
Yes, there are tons of resources available online.  There are tons of iPad apps available.  Please, don't try and be your child's SLP without guidance from an SLP.  Speech-language pathologists have unique and specific training and credentials.  We are available to help and guide you to help your child.  We can show you how to work with your child at home.

  • It is not your fault
Your child's speech & language difficulties are not your fault.  Please do not take the blame.

  • We don't have a crystal ball
No matter how much we would love to predict the future, we cannot.  We cannot tell you when or if your child will reach certain milestones or progress.  We can tell you that the most practice they get and the more involved you as parents in this process, the prognosis looks good!  Be positive and keep encouraging your child!

Your child's SLP

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