In the past, I have set these goals for myself:
- Learn more about and incorporate classroom curriculum into my speech lessons
- Take better data and form a better system for collecting and storing
- Creating and using a data binder
- Find better ways to motivate my students
- Find a better way to store my TpT lesson materials in my speech room
- Hold professional development for teachers in my buildings to better understand my role and how they can incorporate speech & language strategies into their classrooms
This school year, I have set these following goals for myself:
- Find new ways to encourage expressive language for my low functioning students. I plan to use Speech Room New's AAC communication boards like this one.
- Keep teachers informed more frequently on what is going on in the speech room, how their students are doing, and what they can do to see the same progress.
- Keep learning. I hope to attend workshops on Apraxia, stuttering, and working with ASD students. I also plan on attending workshops held in my district/building for classroom teachers so I am more informed and educated on the techniques they are using.
Wondering what your other favorite SLP bloggers/TpT sellers have as their goals!?
- "Some of my main goals this year are to be more organized and maintain a good work/life balance. I would also like to find more ways to incorporate classroom topics into my therapy, as well as helping more teachers understand that what I do in the therapy room can have a direct and positive impact on my students' language skills in the classroom." ~Natalie Snyders
- "One of my goals is to have more contact with parents. Too often is the case when I only see parents once a year at IEP meetings, personally I feel like I should be having more contact with them since their child has deficits and is receiving specialized support. Being able to tell them good things about their student through out the year would be better than once a year."~The Speech Bubble
- "My goal this year is to find ways to incorporate the general education curriculum in my therapy sessions and/or push into the classroom as appropriate. I also have a goal to make sure I am taking progress monitoring data for my language students more consistently. It was really tough last year with a caseload of 80 to make sure I had enough data for updating goals. I want to be able to plan ahead with informal assessments instead of scrambling around....thanks Natalie Snyders for your language progress monitoring tool. I am on track for meeting this goal."~The Dabbling Speechie
- "My personal goal this year is to set aside at least an hour or two in the evening being "unplugged." My work goal is to really focus on critical thinking skills. I don't just want to "give" students answers. I want to guide them to figure it out."~ Speech Peeps
- "My goal is to (be brave enough to) step out of my comfort zone more often. This year I have taken on clients with feeding disorders and clients with cochlear implants that need AVT. I was so nervous at first but now I am really loving the change!"~Simply Speech
- " My goal is to incorporate vocab and stories from the curriculum into therapy for both artic and language kiddos. Grade levels are emailing me their lesson plans every week!"~Let's Talk Speech Therapy
- "My goals are to work smarter, not harder when it comes to planning (I'd like to do less at home) and do my best to focus on curriculum vocabulary/concepts whenever possible."~TeachSpeech365
- "My goal is to build relationships with all staff members. I recently moved to a new Early Childhood Education Building. I'm trying to make the most of teamwork and build meaningful relationships with everyone I can!"~Speech Room News
What are your goals?!!?
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