11 September 2014

Speech Page: Product Review!!

The generous and awesome folks over at Speech Page has provided me with 2 products to try out and review for all of you!  I decided go with a new theme, AAC!  I have many low functioning students, and I am working with them this year to use conversational scripts to expand utterance length for the purpose or requesting and interacting in activities.  I thought these would be PERFECT!!
What is the Speech Page? 
They are a speech materials company that sells ready to go laminated/Velcro-ed materials.  They come ready to go in a large zip lock bag.  Check out their website!

This fun activity comes with 4 themes/pages:  magic, snacks, toys, and food.  Students must request an action regarding one of the two images on the page.  They can use the visuals/AAC cards and hand them to the SLP to request an action or can use it to help elicit a verbal response.  The cute images and themes are so motivating!  My students loved asking to put things into the magic hat!
The pages have Velcro and even slits in the page so I was able to put the different images "into" the hat!

This activity comes ready to go for $20.99.

This activity comes ready to go with four pages/themes: school bus, fishbowl, snowballs/sled, rabbit/carrot.  Do you sense a 4 seasons use?! Um, I DO!  Students can use the visuals/AAC cards to hand to SLP to request or use to elicit verbal responses to help put the puzzle pieces together.  What do they need?  Can they ask?  Can they guess what the puzzles will be?  You can use this as a reinforcer for another game/activity as well!
I felt for this activity, sentence strips were helpful to elicit "I want the ____."  This activity comes ready to go with all pieces cut and Velcro-ed for $26.97.

These activities are great for lower functioning students.  I do feel that sentence strips are helpful to help promote expanded utterances.  You also have to teach your students how to use the visuals/cards to request.  You also must make sure your students are motivated by these activities in order to be motivated to request!  

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