26 November 2014

Why SLPs need TpT...linky party!

I am so excited to host today's linky party!  Many SLPs out there are probably asking themselves "why would I get materials off TpT vs. other avenues/creating themselves?" Keep reading to see why I prefer to get my materials off TpT.  Scroll to the bottom to see other SLP blogger linked up.  Click their links to hop to their posts on the same topic!
Instant gratification:

  • I love that I click "purchase" and I have my resources at my fingertips!  I can open on my iPad, print in black-and-white quickly at work, or prep ahead of time and print/laminate so I have these resources forever.
  • I often have a moment during a session..."I wish I had..." or "next time I must work on..." and as soon as session is over (if I have time, otherwise my first free second) I hop on TpT to see if that idea/goal/concept is already out there for me to grab!
Students are kept motivated and engaged:
  • By having TONS of materials my students are never bored
  • I can always find a material using a theme/graphic/topic that motivates my students (such as superheros, Star Wars, fairy tales, and more).
  • I am always introducing new games and reinforcers into the mix.  They never know walking into my speech room what they are going to get!
  • Most activities I've purchased on TpT encourage interaction between the students which is always a bonus.
Designed for SLPs by SLPs:
  • It is always nice to know activities and ideas have been tested by SLPs just like me
  • Someone out there said "I need something to work on ____ like ____" and they created it and shared it with the SLP community.  How amazing?!
What are my favorite finds so far on TpT?
Yes, this SLP TpT seller loves to purchase from other SLPs too!  Check out posts from other SLP bloggers below to see why they buy on TpT!

1 comment:

  1. I have several of the items you mentioned. I have the Language Dice Games printed out, but haven't used it yet! I need to get on it!!!
