10 December 2014

Turkey Claus Fun!

I was reading a new story to my students today and working on answering questions and I had an "ah ha!" moment!
I knew this book would be great for answering questions, predicting, sequencing, and Christmas vocabulary.  But.....this book is also great for using Story Grammar Marker!!

What is Story Grammar Marker??  It is an amazing program created by Mind Wing Concepts, Inc.  It uses manipulatives tools to teach students how to express important details in a story.  It is great for teaching story retelling or telling personal narratives.

Why is this book perfect for Story Grammar Marker?  Well, there's a problem, several attempts to solve the problem, and a solution to the problem.  The turkey has different emotions that he feels at the beginning, middle, and end.  You can very easy use the graphic organizers provided in this program to help students organize their thoughts while reading the story and/or after.  We worked together as a group completing the graphic organizer.  Then, my students got to take turns using their notes and the Story Grammar Marker manipulative to share the story in their own words.  My students did great!!
Disclaimer: This post contains an Amazon Affiliate link.

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