28 January 2015

Guess Who Game Companion Pack!!

Did you see my image on Instagram recently?!  It got a lot of responses!  Many asked about the prompting cards I used.  I made them SO long ago but recreated an old gem so I can share it with all of you!!

Why create a companion?  So many speech and language students struggle with this game.  Whether it is coming up with questions to ask, directions on how to play the game/object of the game, or how to respond!

I created cards that I can cut apart and keep in Zip lock bags which I keep in my game box itself.  They are always ready to go if a student struggles.  Students can flip through the cards to find the question they want, or just go through the cards one at a time so they don't have to retrieve their own question.

I also provided a yes/no visual with sentence strips!

I provided several review worksheets and visual aids to address the various goals:

  • answering and asking questions
  • describing
  • compare/contrast
  • vocabulary
  • turn taking/how to play the game

Why do I love using this game in therapy even though it can be tricky?
  • Can address so many goals in a fun and motivating way
  • A popular game that students should understand how to play
  • I am shocked with how many of my students have never played this game!
  • Great for mixed groups with articulation and fluency cases
You can access this activity in my TpT store by clicking HERE!

Don't have this game yet?!  Feel free to click below to grab one!

Disclaimer: This post contains Amazon Affiliate links.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea to help those kids who have trouble coming up with what to ask!
