28 June 2015

My Summer To Do List!

It is FINALLY here!! Summer vacation!  I know many of you around the country have been on summer vacation for weeks now, but here in New York, it has JUST begun!

I have never been  more excited to see summer!  I love working and love being an SLP but everyone deserves a  break.  It helps me rest, plan, and prepare for another fun filled school year.

I am excited to spend this summer with family and friends.  Here are some of my items on my to do list:

  • Clean and organize!  I want to go through my closets and get rid of old clothing, shoes, bags, etc.  I recently got a filing cabinet for my home and need to put more important papers away in it.  I would also like to create a better system for finding things in that filing cabinet. 
  • Day trips:  I have been looking for fun ideas to take my family on sunny and rainy days. Some ideas include an aquarium, children's museum, zoo, farm, beach, and more!
  • Cook more!  With more time, I hope to try out some Pinterest recipes!
  • Blogging/TpTing!  I hope to push myself to blog and create!  I hope to try and come up with fun new ideas that can help YOU prepare for the upcoming school year.  It can be difficult to stay motivated throughout the summer but I do plan on trying my best!  Stay tuned...I have a few ideas all ready planned!

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