10 July 2015

Fun Finds at TARGET!

If you follow me on Instagram...you were aware that I was shopping at Target today!  Too hot for the park and wasn't in the mood for a bathing suit so it was a great day to just browse the aisle at Target.  Hey..it's got air conditioning, snacks if you need it, and tons to look at!  I am so excited about what I saw there that I decided to make this a blog post too!

I always park my car close to dollar spot...probably dangerous but makes it easy, I can hit that section up first and then look for other things that may cost more.

What did I find at the dollar spot?  (oh and this was the first time I noticed the sign "$1-3" so just beware not everything was an actual dollar).

Signs and other decor items:

They had these great wooden signs that can be held up by the string it is attached to.  I figured it can be easily hung on my bulletin board with a pin.  I am moving to a new classroom next year so I loved the idea of fun signs to help decorate.  They also had fun signs that looked like road signs that said things about bullying, politeness, and quiet.

Chalkboard galore:

They had these cute tin boxes that had the chalkboard labels right on them.  These can be great for storage of school supplies, articulation cards or anything else that needs a safe spot.  They had these cute small clip boards that had a chalkboard surface.  I figured I could use this for motivation boards with my ABA groups.  Just place a picture or card with the reinforcer in the clip and you can quickly draw boxes to make smiley faces or "X" on the surface.  Erase at the end of the session to prepare another one for another group.  Want 5 boxes and then want 10 because you realize the student can delay their reinforcers?  Easily erase and start again!

They also had TONS of labels and containers with the chalkboard labels.  If  you want this to be your theme for next school year...go grab them now CHEAP!

Word and sentence games:

I saw these two games that I had to grab.  The first is the sentence making game.  This will be great for teaching sentence structure, subject/predicate, noun/verb/adjectives, and more.  The other was these wooden letters on a spinner.  Students can move the blocks to make words.  How will I use this in speech??  Create a word then must use in a sentence, or define it, or describe it using EET.  OR students can find words with their articulation sounds.

Other fun finds I saw in the dollar spot section:

  • sentence strips and holders
  • bins, containers, and mason jars
  • fun decorative tape
  • pencils and erasers that can be prizes
  • rhyming cards and other flash cards
  • weather spinners
  • foam puzzles and boxes of puzzles
  • and more!!
Once I finished in the dollar spot section...I browsed the school supply and storage sections.  What fun things did I find?  CHEVRON GALORE!

How cute is that chevron bulletin board?  Oh and those chevron file folders came in several colors!  OK...so this section wasn't $1 but hey...who doesn't love chevron?!

I also found some new toys and books that I will blog about another time!

So that concludes my fun Friday trip to Target.  I love to browse stores like Target, Staples, Lakeshore, and dollar stores throughout the summer.  This way I am not spending my money all at once at the end of the summer.

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