14 July 2015

Funny Directions App by Speecharoo (App Review & Giveaway!)

 A brand new developer, Speecharoo has contacted me regarding their brand new app, Funny Directions.  They were generous to provide me with a copy to try out to share with you.  They also gave me another copy to give away to one lucky SLP/reader!!  Remember, the thoughts and opinions are all mine.

What does this app targets?  1-3 step directions, basic vocab, attention, memory and reading comprehension (if you turn off audio directions).

This app is adorable.  As soon as you open it, you are welcomed by this adorable kangaroo.  Just have to click the arrow to begin.

There are various scenes to select from: beach, park, classroom, and bedroom.  All relevant to a student's environment.  Just pick a scene and a level, 1-3 from the balloons next to it.   Each activity has 10 directions.

Since I am in summer mode, I will pick beach first.  Students are presented with the scene and a verbal prompt.  If needed, you can click the repeat button to hear again.  I love it when apps include this since I am always teaching my students to advocate for themselves and recognize when they need to hear directions/auditory information again.  Although you cannot hear the prompt, you can read it on top, it says "tickle the bird."  So....I did!  As soon as I did, the bird laughed...how cute?!  All tasks are rewarded with a cute audio and animation.  If you are incorrect, the app just repeats the directions to encourage students to try again.

All it takes is touching the image being described, but you can encourage your students to complete the actual tasks.

As you can see, the score/data is being collected at the top right of the screen.

Want a different direction?  Just click the arrow at the bottom right of the screen.

Within the activity, you can adjust the settings by clicking the "gear" in the top right of the screen.  You can also access the settings from the "scenes" page.  Here you can see what you can alter:

At any point, you can hit the "home" button at the top left of the screen.  At this point you are brought back to the scenes page.

Here is a view of the 2-step directions from the bedroom scene:

Here is a view of the classroom, 3 level directions:

Here you can see the reward game.  It was cute, the students can pop the balloons.  Something easy and motivating.

Like what you see??  Want another awesome fact?  It is very affordable!  It is only $2.99!  I cannot even purchase an iced coffee cheaper than that!  

Learn more about this app by visiting iTunes!

Enter to win a copy of  your own below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I like the multi-level and that the directions are in sets of 10... easy for data tracking! alewis725@msn.com

  2. I like how the student is able to hear the direction more than one time. I also like that there are three levels of difficulty (1-3 step directions).

  3. I like how the student is able to hear the direction more than one time . I also like that there are three levels of difficulty (1-3 step directions).

  4. I love that the app has multi-level directions and that students are able to hear the directions more than once.

  5. I appreciate how simple it is to switch level during game play.

  6. I appreciate how simple it is to switch levels during game play.

  7. I love the ease of the app. No prepping required!

  8. I like the fun scenes, multiple levels and easy data tracking! This looks like a powerful app, simply presented to engage students!
