19 July 2015

Periscopin' with Miss Speechie: Things I Have Learned About Periscope!

Periscope...a word that had ZERO meaning about a month ago seems to be used EVERYWHERE lately!  What is it?  It is an app, created by the developers of Twitter, as another means of social media.  Celebrities, teachers, and now SLPs are using Periscope to broadcast live.  What are SLPs broadcasting...check out Periscope to find out more!  But keep reading to learn more about how to make the most of this social media forum.

As soon as I learned about this app, I downloaded it.  I quickly signed up using my Twitter account.  Since it is connected to Twitter, it was easy to start following people.  Want to find others?  Just search!  I typed in "speech" and found so many!  Wait?  You didn't know I was on Periscope!  YES!  I have even done 1 or 2 live broadcasts so far!

I was questioned on Instagram why someone couldn't find my broadcast.  Unfortunately, the only way to use this forum but stay anonymous is to delete the replays.  That means you must catch me live!  How will you know if I am live?  I will post a warning in Instagram!

Below are some tips that I have learned from watching Periscopes of amazing SLPs and teachers that have learned the ins and outs!

This is why you may get a notification like "___ wants you to watch ___!"

We are SLPs...we love to chat!  Let's keep the chat going!  The broadcaster loves to see chat going on..it helps keep them talking!

I was constantly wondering why some Periscopes had sound and others were silent....well I figured that one out! Have an iPhone?  Make sure that switch on the side is clicked to "sound on."

Although my broadcasts are available for a replay, but other 'scopers do have this feature.  Yay you can watch later but BOO you cannot comment.  Yes, you can still tap the screen to give hearts if you are watching on a replay!  And about those hearts....

Just like  how our students like reinforcers...the hearts provide reinforcement for Periscopers!

And most importantly.....

Want to check me out??

What are some things I plan to broadcast?

  • I will let you take a look at some items that come in the mail for the upcoming school year
  • I will show you how I plan to use some of my TpT products or items I find in local stores
  • I may just chat so you can learn more about me and realize I am a real person even though I am anonymous
  • Giveaways!!  I plan to host giveaways!
  • I may just give you a look at what I am viewing at that moment!
  • I may just open up dialogue so we can discuss future products or blog posts and I can hear your feedback and input!
I look forward to seeing you pop into my Periscopes!  


  1. I was anxious to read your post as we both try to keep our identity secret, so I sure hope to catch you live to see how you pull this off! I haven't jumped on this social media train just yet, but it sounds super intriguing! Thanks for all the tips!

  2. I did my first 'Scope about 2 weeks ago! I don't know why I was so nervous, but after I got going, it was fine. It really is a fun social media forum. I would like to find more SLPs to follow, as there are tons of teachers! I will definitely look for you! You can find me @sharon__speech!

  3. Great tips! I am definitely not that familiar with Periscope, so all of your tips were very helpful!
