09 August 2015

SLP Survival Kit (a DIY idea!)

I have spent my summer trying to coordinate how I can be better organized and prepared for ANYTHING this upcoming school year.  I am downgrading to a smaller space and I although I love "stuff" I need to find better ways to keep things in proper homes.  With that in mind...I decided to create...

I found a really cute chevron tin at the Target Dollar spot and I did not know how I would use it.  Did I mention I have LESS space next year?!  Oops...OK so I bought another tin and I needed to justify it's purpose!  I created a survival kit!  I kept items in it's boxes just for the purpose of the picture above, but clearly I took some of those meds out of the boxes to save space!

What else would be in my survival kit?

  • Band-Aids
  • Cough drops
  • Stomach relief
  • Advil
  • Stain stick
  • Lint brush
  • Travel deodorant
  • Dental Floss
  • Safety pins (in case of a clothing malfunction)
  • Hair ties
  • Altoids
  • Plastic silverware (in case I forget to bring for my lunch!)
What would be in YOUR survival kit?  Do you have on already?  Has it come in handy?  OK...so this kit can be for any educator, not just an SLP but HEY..I can only speak for my people!

1 comment:

  1. I have a toothbrush and toothpaste. For those late night parent conferences.
