15 February 2012

Top Ten Websites for Materials

It's that time again, Miss Speechie's weekly top 10 list!  I listened to your request and compiled a list of websites that I use most often to find materials for my speech and language sessions.  Since I work with a variety of ages and levels, my list will be for a variety as well.  I use these websites for inspiration, ideas, graphics, or for reinforcing activities.  I do have my own copy of the Boardmaker CD which is how I make MOST of my hand-made materials.  Soooo...in no particular order:

1. Boardmakershare.com - if you do have Boardmaker, this website is for you.  You can upload some of your materials to share or just browse those that is already available.  You can sort by topic or concept or just use their search feature to find what you are looking for.  You can access the website directly here!
2. Boggles World - Yes, this is a website for ESL but hey we teach the same concepts and skills.  They have flashcards and worksheets for various language arts concepts and themes.  My students particularly liked using the synonyms and antonyms materials.  Check it out here!
3. Child Care Land - this website is great for working with preschool or those types of concept levels.  They have a large variety of free printables and ideas for fingerplays and file folder games.  I use this to get graphics to make memory games related to seasonal/holiday themes.  Go here!
4. Do2Learn - This website has tons of materials that targets those with disabilities.  They have picture cards, songs & games, schedule maker, and more.  I have not used this website in a while but felt it was extremely useful in the past.  check it out

5. Edhelper - Need academically related materials?  Need printable books?  Need graphic organizers?  Need bulletin board ideas?  Although this website requires a membership (I find it is reasonable and most school districts has a subscription) it has SO much for us to use I cannot live without it.  I find reading comprehensions that are related to the academic curriculum most useful.  They also have stories related to "social situations" which are great for those with pragmatic goals.  I often find fun puzzles related to themes that I use as reinforcer activities. learn more

6. Enchanted Learning - Printable books?  Following directions worksheets? Word wheels?  Synonyms and cloze sentences related to themes?  Crafts related to themes you can use as a following directions activity or reinforcer??  Again, this website requires a paid subscription but I know my district has this one.  check it out

7. ESLPrintables - Yes, I LOVE the ESL websites!  This is a free website, however you need to get "points" for having people download your materials before you can download others.  I didn't find it took that long for that to happen.  They have powerpoint games, online interactives, and worksheets to download.  They also have pictionary games and flashcards as well.  I really like the grammar materials. here ya go!

8. Making learning fun - Such a great website!!!  They have activities, worksheets, printable books, and circle time materials for so many themes.  They even provide children's books that go with those themes as well as activities to go along with it!  You can spend hours looking through everything.  They are also updating this website often so keep checking back for more materials! check it out

9. Speaking of speech - I know this may be an obvious one for more but I had to list it.  If you do not have boardmaker and wished you did, this website is for you.  When you visit it, click "materials exchange" to find everything sorted by area: articulation, language, theme materials, life skills, literacy, and more.  You can also click "What's new on SOS" to get a quick check to see if there are new materials added.  i heart speech

10. ABC Teach - This website has free materials as well as those for a paid subscription.  Again, I did not pay, my district did, so I cannot complain.  I use this website often for a quick reading comprehension, clip art, word search, or worksheet for home practice of various language targets.  I use this website often for a "oh I wish I had that right now" moments.  I think I did about 3 times today alone!!  I grabbed quick reading paragraphs and made my own sequencing and higher level questions activities.  love it!

SOOO there you have it!! Another top 10!  I hope you found this one helpful!  Thanks again for the suggestion and keep them coming!!  I love to help out my fellow speechies!!  I am always trying to find and create new and motivating materials to use in my speech groups and I am sure you are too!
Happy belated Valentine's Day <3


  1. Thanks for all the great ideas you provide. I'm a part time SLP para at a fairly new school for an extremely busy SLP (over 60 kids) and I'm always looking for new ideas! I just wish our IT people for the district didn't have most of these websites blocked. They are fantastic!

  2. Wow you are lucky! I have about 60 kids on my caseload and I don't have para! Budgets are so limited these days! But I hear ya on the IT blocking websites (I can't even use Google Images at work..how horribe?!?!). I find myself doing most of my work at home and either emailing or using my jump drive thingy to transport files. Such large caseloads and demands = need to find great resources! Glad I can help my fellow speechies!
