26 October 2012

Articles: A & An...Review & Giveaway!

Electrokite has developed a fun and interactive app to practice learning and using articles A and An.
 This app is very similar in format to their other apps.  This company originally produced activities for interactive whiteboards and their apps follow that similar format.  There is a tool bar across the bottom which enables users to access all the features.
 By clicking the light bulb, students are provided with a visual of the rules.  If you click the robot, you get a verbal presentation.  Then, by clicking the game controller, students can practice using the articles.
 Students are rewarded when correct and have an opportunity to try again if incorrect.
 There is a pencil and eraser feature which is great for prompting students to assist them.  I chose to use the pencil to underline the noun the remind students where to look.  By clicking the "next" arrow, students can continue to the next sentence.
 By clicking the "paint" you are brought to this page seen below.  There are plenty of nouns and on the mountains are the words "an" and "a."   Students can drag those words to the correct places.  By clicking the refresh button students can try again.  I made students use the pencil to underline the beginning sound of the following word to cue themselves.
 At any point, students can prompt themselves by clicking the "key."

To learn more, visit iTunes.  The developers also have provided follow-up worksheets on their website!

Now you can win your copy of this great $0.99 app:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I created a fun download to use with this app.

This file includes a visual to help with understanding and recalling the rules:
There is a card game to practice using articles.  Students select a card and they must use their understanding of the rules to complete the sentence.  Once they do, they can hold onto their card.  If students pick the "funnel cake" card, they get an extra turn!  The student with the most cards at the end wins.

 At the end, there is a sorting worksheet to practice this skill.  This can be used as homework or review at the end of a session.
You can access this activity at my TpT store.


  1. This looks like a helpful app. I actually don't have any materials specifically to teach a vs. an...well, I have some reeeeally old worksheets left by the SLP before me, but hardly ever use them.

    Talking With Rebecca

  2. Wonderful!! I love speechies...we are the most fun and love to talk!

  3. This looks like a great app. I have a student that this would be great for!

  4. I'm a new SLP, I love that I can get some help with all of your information! It is sooo helpful! Thank You

