01 November 2012

Sharing means caring

So many have questioned or commented on my need/decision to remain anonymous.  I have many personal/professional reasons to do so.

For those that may not know, the job market for education is horrible in the downstate NY/LI area.  With that said, it has taken me years to obtain a stable position.  Year after year, I was hopping from job to job, district to district, trying to get my foot in the door at the right place.  Since I am still untenured and very paranoid about ruining all the years I have put into finding a probationary position, I have decided against being "Google-able."  I just don't want anything preventing me at this point!

With that being said, that is also how/why I started Speech Time Fun.  I was feeling a little discouraged about my lack of stability and wanted a place to document and save good ideas to use in the future.  I have worked in so many locations/environments/age groups that I did not want to forget all I have learned.

With the help of Pinterest and social media, Speech Time Fun grew to a level I never expected or imagined.  My little pet project to keep me entertained while my husband was still at work grew to my 3rd job.  (job 1 - full time at a public school, job 2 - home care couple hours a week through an agency). 

With the support and kind words from all of you, I kept motivated to continue being creative and learning more.  Thank you for the inspiration!

Now Speech Time Fun has become a place where I can share my ideas and ideas I've gained from others and give back to my SLP community.  I LOVE what I do.  I love to share what works in my therapy room.  I hope one day to share more about my life/my name with everyone but at this point, it is important for me to remain anonymous.  Thank you all for understanding and continuing to support and visiting my blog!  Feel free to contact me via email (speechtimefun@gmail.com) for any questions/ideas/comments at any time!  I love to hear from my fellow SLP community. 

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