28 November 2012

Using Catalogs In Speech!

Does your mailbox look like this:
Hate throwing them away?!  I created an idea years ago to help with recycling and makes a free and easy lesson idea (or more!)!

How do I use these:
  • Holiday Gift Scavenger Hunt:  You can give students a sound, category, adjective, or verb and have them search through the various catalogs to find items that go with the named word.  You can make it a competition by speed or by quantity.  You can even have students give each other the words!
  • I Spy:  Give students a page and give them a clue.  Have them locate the item you are describing!  Students can then give each other clues!
  • Make a collage: give students a sound or word and let them search to find pictures.  They can create a collage as an art project to display.
Have you used these in speech therapy??? What have you done??!?!


  1. I used them by having the students find items by their function. They had fun finding things you build with, things that move, things that go on tracks, etc.

  2. I just emailed my mother in law and sister in law this morning to ask them to save any toy ads they get this week! My mother in law thought I was crazy, but she agreed to save them from her paper.
