02 December 2012

Rainbow Sentences Giveaway!!

A little while back, I reviewed a great app by Mobile Education Store, Rainbow Sentences:
This great app is a wonderful way to work on sentence structure, grammar, and expanding utterance length.  Click HERE to visit this review!

Mobile Education Store has been EXTREMELY generous to provide me with a code to giveaway to one lucky winner!  Enter in the raffle below to get your chance.  Can't wait to see if you win?!  Click HERE to learn more about this $7.99 app from iTunes.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. One way I teach sentence structure is by modeling and expanding the students' utterances.

  2. I love writing their sentences down on index cards and rearranging the words!

  3. I work on specific grammatical structures then work them into sentences and stories.

  4. I use modeling and expansion techniques as well, and my students also enjoy unscrambling mixed-up sentences.

  5. I have students unscramble sentences. I also teach students how to expand and add more detail to their sentences.

  6. I like to color code the different parts of speech and use them to put together sentences.

  7. I love all apps by mobile education store! Thank you for the giveaway!!
