09 July 2013

Describe It To Me! ((app review & giveaway))

Smarty Ears has done it again!  They created another great app that targets a VERY popular skill: describing.  Grab your EET, visuals, and your iPad!  They provided me with a copy to review for you and another one to give away to one lucky person!!!!  Keep reading!!  ((reminder all thoughts and opinions are mine!))
 This app uses a TV game show theme.  You can input students from your Therapy Report Center or add your students through this app.  You can have up to 5 students at a time using this app. LOVE IT!!  I have groups of up to 5!

See below your options in the "settings" tab. 

Want to work on a specific category or function?  Want to review incorrect responses from a previous session?  Click "customize word list" on the settings tab.  You can view all vocabulary targets and decide if you want to customize!  This can be great if you wanted to select targets with a certain articulation target as well!

You can spin the spinner to see which student will go first or you can tap each name/avatar.  For each student you can select which type of describing you want by touching the tabs along the top (category, function, parts, location, visuals, extras).  Students are provided with a question to probe the target responses!  You can also decide if you are working on receptive (choices) or expressive (rate the responses).  

By touching the "fast forward" or "reverse" looking buttons you can switch the images.  Do you want a student to use all types of describing for one picture?   You can!  Want them to take each type of describing and first receptively identify and then describe? You can!  Want a student to get a few drills in of each type? You can!  You can decide!  You can decide to let each student answer one describing form at a time before touching the next student to switch.  I love it how this app allows the SLP to decide!

When students select the appropriate answers, they are rewarded with a graphic.

Whenever you are ready, you can click "done."

You can view score and reward reports!  LOVE the data collection and ability to progress monitor!

You can also access homework pages which are easily shared (emailed, printed, etc).  I LOVE THIS!!!  I love the various homework practice and ability to practice all the describing probes practiced with this app.  You can even use these homework sheets as follow up activities once you feel the iPad fun is over!

Learn how you can get this app for $9.99 HERE!

Are you in love yet?!  Now you can win a code for this app!!!!!!!!!  Enter to win below!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This app looks great. Thanks for the giveaway.

  2. Love the data collection and homework sheets- thanks for the giveaway!

  3. Looks like a good app for older students! I always have my eye out for materials that meet the needs of the middle grades.

  4. I am a SLPA and love the E.E.T. just learned about smarty ears ipad apps for Miss Speechie blogs and so excited to use on my students. Thank you for the opportunity of giveaway!

  5. I am beginning my SLP career in the schools for my CFY this Fall! Can't wait! I <3 SLPs and what we do! :)

  6. I am always looking for new ways to target describing, this app looks great!

  7. Just finding out about your apps. Very excited!

  8. I think this is a great app and have a few students who i'm sure would love to play with this app during speech. Thank you for doing this giveaway!

  9. Love love love your blog! Thankyou for the awesome giveaway! I have been wanting this for my speech class and hoping for a chance to win a copy!

  10. I just got an iPad, so I love finding good apps to use in therapy. Thanks!!

  11. This looks great!

  12. Enjoying my summer

  13. Love, love, love your blog. This app looks great!

  14. This looks like a great app to use in therapy.

  15. Kudos to the SLP bloggers out there who keep me going in this profession after 37 years! Love my iPad also!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.
