23 July 2013

Candy Arcade ((App Review & Giveaway!))

Are you looking for more apps that will be rewards for your students?  Are you looking for generic apps that can also be used for turn taking, following directions, describing, prepositions, and more??  Keep reading about this app and you can enter to win 1 of 3 codes for yourself!!

Candy Arcade includes 7 unique arcade games made entirely of candy including:

-Candy Drop
-Candy Ball
-Marshmallow Madness
-Doughnut Craze
-Gummy Shot

Each game is what it sounds like, an arcade game with an arcade theme!  Can  your students earn points to then win tickets/prizes?!  There are 800 prizes with different themes to motivate all students!  Students can "store" their prizes in the "room."  The only negative is that there is only 1 room.  Since this isn't a "speechie" app, you cannot use with multiple students.  I recommend having a "team speech" or having different themes for different students!

Visit Merge Mobile's website to learn about this app by clicking HERE!
Visit iTunes to learn more about this $0.99 app HERE!

Enter to win this motivating and reinforcing app below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This looks like a great reinforcement app for my artic kids! I'm always looking for fast, fun ways to break up all the drilling :-)

  2. I can use this app for reinforcement during activities or to keep one student busy while i work with another in the group.

  3. I'd definitely use it as a reinforcer for all my artic kiddos...they work so hard!

  4. This would be a great reinforcement in tx!

  5. I would love this app to use as a reinforcer for my hardworking kiddos! :) Thanks for the giveaway opportunity! :)
