24 October 2014

No Print Wh Questions! (plus a giveaway!)

Do you have a Smartboard or an iPad?  Do you like no print activities!  I have been working hard to try and introduce some no print activities to my TpT store.  My first is finally ready!  I tend to create materials for specific students of mine.  I have several students this year that have limited expressive language but are working on answering basic WH questions.  I decided to create this no print activity to use on my iPad.

It is an easy way to drill and collect data/monitor progress.  I chose to use only 2 picture choices for each question based on the needs/levels of my students.

Each page presents a new WH question (who, what, where, and when).  Students have 2 choices (picture and text).  If they click the correct answer, they are brought to the next page.  If they select the incorrect response, they remain on the page.

Directions on how to use this activity with your iPad are included in the download.

50 pages of questions are provided!

Each page has a "home" button which brings you back to the first page if desired to quickly prepare for a next speech group/client!!

You can access this activity in my TpT store by clicking HERE!

Enter to win a copy for yourself below!

  a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I would put this omn my ipad for use.

  2. I look forward to checking out your activities on TpT. Thanks for making them!

  3. I would use this on my iPad for my language group in an instructional classroom.

  4. I would love to use this on my iPad with several of my students :)

  5. With my kinders and SPED clients.

  6. I would use this for WH questioning in my autism classroom!

  7. I love your activities! I try to use my iPad on specific days and this would be a welcome addition! :)

  8. Since I don't have a Smartboard in my new/old school, I'll use it on my iPad. I have several kids who have wh? as a goal.

  9. I travel as an itinerant SLP, so the more I can put on my ipad, the better!

  10. I'd use it right on the smartboard. It'd be great for my students who don't fully understand all of the Wh questions and the ones who don't attend to the specific Wh question form.

  11. Love the idea of some no print activities. I think my language groups would enjoy this. Since I only have one Ipad my students will have to take turns answering the questions while I busily record data :)

  12. I travel between 3 schools. This no print activity would be great! The less I have to carry, the better!

  13. I have several students struggling with understanding how to answer "wh" questions! This would be perfect for them!
