23 August 2015

Dear Summer 2015,

The new school year is around the corner (and for many of you around the country, it is already here).  Makes me reflect on the time that I had off and away from work.

Thank you summer for giving me time to spend with my daughter.  It was amazing being a part of her day, all day, every day.  I got to take her to classes, play all day, and go to the pool and beach with her.  I feel so fortunate to have this time to spend with her.  There are so many women that do not get a summer off to do this.

Thank you summer for giving me time to refresh and step away from the stresses of working in a school environment.  Let's be honest, working in a field with 90% women can be stressful and challenging.  It can also be stressful working with difficult parents or students.  I feel refreshed from time away and I got to reflect on past experiences and made some plans on how to change things for next year.

Thank you for the amazing weather.  I love flip flops.  I love spending time outside.  I love sunglasses.  I love the sun.  It did not rain that much this summer so I got to take full advantage of the nice weather all day every day.  Park, beach, walks on the boardwalk, wine tasting at the vineyards, pool, backyard BBQs, and so much more.  Loved every single second.

Thank you summer for giving me time to be creative and create more for my TpT store.  I loved that I was able to be productive and have time to do something that I love to do.  I had time to read TONS of tutorials and learn some new tricks and tips.  I gave makeovers to TONS of my old products.  I am so proud of what I accomplished.

Thank you summer for giving me time to organize my home and my life!  I got to go through my closets/drawers and refold and take clothes out that are older and I no longer wear.  I got to go through my daughter's closet and pack up her clothes that are too small.  I even got to start buying her fall wardrobe!  I organized my home filing cabinet.  I got to look a new cars.  I even got to plan and book a trip to ASHA 2015!

I have one more full week left and I am going to soak in all of the sun, fun, and time with my daughter I can! xoxo

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