20 August 2015

Diary of an SLP Mommy: Being Amazed!

Have you been following my new blog series, diary of an SLP mommy?  It has been fun sharing with you my highs, my lows, my observations, and my thoughts as a bring a child into this world and watch her develop and grow!

Today's blog post is how I am often just AMAZED!  I love watching my daughter learn and develop new skills.  It is so fascinating to watch!  I know all mothers think this way, not just SLP moms but for some reason I feel like it is different for us.  We know so much!  We know what skills we want them to learn right away and what it might indicate if they do not develop them.  Yes, we will love our children unconditionally, but still.

I watch my daughter learn to love puzzles and books and babydolls.  It is so much fun to watch!  I love taking toys I know are great for eliciting language, and using them with my daughter.  I have been asked which books I love to use the most with my daughter.  Below are just some of my favorites.  I am always learning about new fun ones, but ones that are interactive, repetitive, and predictable are great.  I don't always read the words on the pages.  I like to simplify them and make it more sing-song.  It has been amazing to watch my daughter look at me in anticipation!

Below are some Amazon links of my favorite books:

I just smile when my daughter walks up to me with one of her books and has that look like she wants me to read to her.  I have a floor book holder so she can easily help herself to her books.  I have books in her bedroom, play area, and every room in my house!

Which books are your favorites?!  I would love to hear so I know which to add to our collection!!


  1. Ooh- I'll have to go back & read this series! I'm an SLP Mommy too :-)

  2. For some reason, my last comment got cut off... My little one loves the word book you linked above. Right now she's also loving seek & find books too.
