12 September 2015

MultiSyllabic Word Party! (App Review & Giveaway!)

The generous people over at Home Speech Home created a brand new app and was generous to provide me with a copy to check out.  They were even more generous to provide me with more copies to giveaway!!  Keep reading to learn more about this great new app!!

As soon as you enter the app, you are presented with four choices.  You can select a game from here:

  • Tap Tap
  • Remember
  • Outline
  • Say & Slice

Tap Tap
Once you enter the game, you are given directions on how to play.  "Just tap each circle and say each syllable.  Then say the entire word.  Tap the left and right arrows to change the picture."  You can select a syllable level 2-5.  Click that level to see a "check" over it and hit GO to start!

Students are presented with a picture and a multisyllabic word.  They are presented with circles based on the number of syllables which you selected.  They are also reminded of the instructions on this page.  They can tap each circle while saying the syllables.  I love how this activity allows students to use a multimodality approach.  They are also provided with an auditory feedback when they hit the circle of what the syllable should sound like.  This is great for auditory bombardment and self correction.  

Students are reinforced with an "awesome" or "excellent" once they complete the tapping of the circles.  I love that students can produce the syllables fast or slow based on their need.  If you tap them in a fluent manner, it sounds more like a whole word vs. just the syllable parts.  Just hit the arrows to move onto the next word or go back to practice a previous one.  You can also hit home at any time.

Directions indicated for this activity "Tap a card to turn it over.  Then tap another to try and find the matching card.  Once you find the match, tap the circle and say each syllable and the whole word."  This is a fun memory matching game to practice producing multisyllabic words.  Again, you can select the amount of syllables 2-5.  

The app gives students a sneak peak of the cards and where they are located.  This is great so they can be more successful.  Don't want them seeing, hid the screen once you hit GO!  You can also decide if you want 2 rows of cards or 3.

How to play: "Tap and drag the shape to its matching picture.  Then tap the circle and say each syllable and the whole word.  Tap the arrows to change the picture."  Again, you can select the amount of syllables 2-5.

Here students can have fun recognizing the matches by the outline and drag them.  Each picture represents a multisyllabic word.  

Once they match, they are again given the circles to tap out the multisyllabic word.  I like that they give the text label because it can be difficult to determine what multisyllabic word they were referring to for the picture presented.

Once they tap out the word, they are brought back to the drag/match activity.  Want to switch to 3 new picture options?  Just click the arrows to navigate around.

Say & Slice
How to play: "Swipe or slice the letters that are different colors and say the syllable.  After the letters fall off, drag them up and lock them back in, then say the whole word.  Tap the arrows to change the word.   Again, you can pick the amount of syllables 2-5.

As you can see below, just by tapping the syllables in the text provided, students can see the break down and say them in pieces.

Once they say them in pieces, they can say it together by moving them back up to the word.  They are rewarded with an "awesome" or another praise word.

Things I like about this app:
  • You can move at your own pace
  • Multimodality approach
  • You can select the amount of syllables to work with
  • Opportunities to see the syllables in text, color coding, and circles underneath.
  • Fun activities to make drilling more entertaining
  • Four activities = can use this app over and over and not get bored
Things I hope to see in future updates:
  • Ability to record productions and hear it back to help self correct.
  • Ability to mark correct, incorrect, or prompts.
  • Data collection and progress monitoring.
  • Ability to see word lists, select and deselect words based on mastery/needs
  • Ability to see how many words/images you have left
Want to learn more about this app?  Home Speech Home has a You Tube video you can view by clicking HERE!  You can also learn more about this $3.99 app in the app store!

Want to win?!?!  Enter below!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I have so many students working on multi-syllabic words and I feel like I drill them to death with flashcards.. thanks for sharing a new way to target /)

  2. Love this! Would like to win & use this app with my students.

  3. I would love to win this app... one of the phonological processes I work on often. alewis725@msn.com

  4. I could really use this app for so many students who struggle with multi-syllabic words.

  5. I have a number of kiddos who are working on multi-syllabic words. This looks like a great app to help them practice and improve skills.

  6. I'm always looking for new ways to target multi-syllabic words. This looks great!

  7. This looks like a great way to target multi-syllabic words!
