04 October 2015

Fall TpT/Blogger Meetup in NYC!

This has been one of those weekends I will remember forever.  When I started this little "blogging" journey, I never had any idea what it would lead to.  I have learned so much about education, creating materials, and I truly feel like I have become a better SLP because of it all.  I love doing this and plan to stick around...so you better not get sick of me!  

Anyway, just like an athlete would hope to play in an all star game to meet other players from around the country, I got to attend an all star event held in NYC at the Teachers Pay Teachers headquarters!  This amazing company that has providing me with so much, opened their doors on a Saturday and invited myself and other local sellers and top sellers from around the country to view their office and collaborate with each other.  The only word I can use to describe this experience is WOW!  So much creativity and love for education in ONE office!  Here is the picture Teachers Pay Teachers took of everyone and posted on their Instagram account.

So, I get to the office, which is in a beautiful and super modern office building in NYC.  Here is the view I got when I got off the elevator.  And yes, this SLP was the FIRST seller to arrive.  That was even after spending a half hour at the Starbucks across the street.  Yes, that was a bit awkward, but it was nice to have a one-one-one chat with the super friendly TpT team.  I got to ask them my questions without a ton of people surrounding.

I also got to take some office photos before people arrived :)

Here is the wall of Facebook comments TpT displays.  They display so much amazing stuff around their office.

They also fill their office with cover photos of TpT products and they rotate them monthly.  There is no rhyme or reason how they are selected but they do.  They even have a wall of photos displayed for when they have business meeting and visitors.  They like to show off the amazing things teachers and educators do for their site.

They utilize an open floor plan for their staff this way everyone can easily work together.  They also have huge screens to display Instagram images throughout the day.  However, for today, it was filled with our conference agendas!  We came up with the topics we wanted to discuss and there was no leader or true "agenda" more just topics.

Here is a view of one of the conference rooms we used to collaborate.  We discussed SO many things like tips/tricks, copyright, blogger vs. wordpress, Pinterest/Facebook, and so much more!

 Here was a pencil that was used to make bouquet table arrangements.  So stinking creative.

They even have an office room with a Smart Board so they can try out the different Smart Board products and trouble shoot any technical difficulties a buyer or seller may have.

It was so incredibly amazing that I had to stay out in the city after and go sight seeing and hang out with other TpT sellers longer.  Can you blame me?!

First, I went to grab yummy mac & cheese (recommendation of the famous KG fonts) with I Teach What's Your Super Power, Fabulous in First, and Rosie Rambles!

Then I went around the corner to meet up with a ton other sellers eating at a different restaurant and had a glass of sangria with the fabulous Science Penguin!

Then we all took Ubers and went to take a sight seeing boat ride around the Hudson.  When we got to the pier, KG was waiting there with Insomnia Cookies (the box was covered with KG fonts! How cool!?)

I hung out a little  bit after, wandered around NYC with amazing talent,  but I had to take the train home unfortunately.

I learned so much and was so inspired by each and every person I met.  Whether they had their TpT store open for a year or 8 years, everyone taught me something new.  I also was shocked to see that I could teach some people things which was so amazing.  

I cannot wait to participate in other TpT events and see where my little "blog" and "store" will go in the future!  I cannot be anywhere without you, my readers, that take the time to read these blogs, check out my TpT store, and follow my social media accounts.  xoxo

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